Hope for Life Project
Psychosocial Support for All
Unfortunately, violence and depression increased greatly during the days of staying at home as a precaution due to Covid-19. They had difficulty finding the motivation to continue their days in this process, as individuals spent their time completely at home for mandatory reasons.
Although there was a lot of physical support during the pandemic process, there was a lack of psychological support. For this reason, it was one of our primary goals to share guiding content by instilling motivation and reminding people that being at home is not a reason for them to be isolated from life. We tried to ensure that we can continue to live happily, peacefully, and stress-free by trying to think positively and gaining strength from each other every day. Being aware of the fact that staying in solidarity and communication by making them feel that they are not alone is the most important component of supporting each other, we have worked towards this.
As part of the #HerkesİçinPsikososyalDestek project, we brought together famous people in their fields with motivation, dancing, singing, reading fairy tales/books, shamanic activities, mental health protection activities, and informative publications every day during May. Thus, we showed that we are always connected and that we can support each other through any platform. We tried to encourage individuals to adapt to their daily lives and to show the courage to continue their daily routines with motivation and suggestion content shared during the day. At the same time, the advantage of using the online platform has increased the number of people reached due to its high accessibility leading to no participation limit being set.
Topics and activities of our educators in the Hope for Life Project:
- Dr. Bilge Johnson - How can we prevent child abuse during the pandemic process?
- Prof. Dr. Nebi Sümer - Individual and Social Resilience
- Uzm. Klnk. Psk. Ersin Bayramkaya - Our invisible wounds: psychological trauma and healing
- Uzm. Psk. Danışman Emre Alıcı - Feeling good with expressive art therapy in difficult times
- Dodan Özer - Music Concerti
- Author Dilge Güney - Ze's puppet-parent relations (reading books to children, sharing information about humor books)
- Can Oflaz - Music Concert
- Exp. Ps. Rana Şen - Turning Crisis into Opportunity
- Exp. Klnk Psk. Büşra Tarçalır- Anxiety during the pandemic: what are children going through?
- Aydilge - Music Concert
- Muammer Enginsu - Music Concert
- Storyteller Nazli Cevik Azazi - Fairy Tale for Adults
- Exp. Dr. Gülay Oğuz - The Pandemic and Its Psychological Reflections
- Murat Meriç - Music Talk
- Exp. Klnk. Ps. Gökhan Çınar - Human Tendency to Violence
- Psk and Coach Hülya Ayav - Journey to love yourself
- Suavi - Interview
- Folklorist Işılay Baysak - Fairy tale for adults and children
- Meditation instructor Deniz Bağan Living with Awareness
- Fitness Trainer Murat Bür Sports for everyone
- Assoc. Prof. Bilge Uzun - Mindfulness
- Trainer, Coach, Dance Therapist Özlem Kaleli - Somatic Meditation
- Ezgi Köker - Music Concert
- Exp. Klnk. Ps. Meral Aydın - The Self's Pandemic Story
- Artist Ilgın Uçar - Making a Game
- Exp. Klnk. Ps. Kader Güven Keskin - Adolescence Problems and Parental Attitudes in Young People
- Trainer/Consultant Polat Doğru - Human Relations in Life
- Exp. Dr. Ebru Toprak - The Role of Women and Increasing Domestic Violence in the Pandemic Period
- Clk. Ps. İrem Polat - Natural and Playful Parenting