Izmir Earthquake Humanitarian and Emergency Psychological Aid
We, as WHR, have been on the field for support since the first day of the Izmir earthquake that took place on October 30, 2020. During our time in the field, one-on-one meetings were held with children, adolescents, adults, and families who wanted individual support in partnership with DDD, MSYD, and WHR, in coordination with AÇSH. Field determinations were made regularly, and we made sure that earthquake survivors who we think need support or reach us receive support.
A seminar on neglect and abuse of children was given to families and children against possible neglect and abuse. We had the opportunity to work in 3 different tent areas (Aşık Veysel, Bornova Stadium, and Smirna).
1. In the tent city of Şirinyer Hippodrome, a seminar on neglect and abuse in children was given by world doctors and World Human Relief in cooperation with the Red Crescent and the Ministry of Family, Labor, and Social Services.
2. Different activities were planned for children at the same time every day in the Tent City area in Simirna Square. Attention was paid to the age of the children and their ability to cope with the disaster they experienced.
3. The detections of our earthquake victims who requested individual interviews were made regularly and support was provided.
4. Other needs such as books, tablets, and clothes were also observed in the field, and they were conveyed to the necessary institutions that could provide support.